Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sharing project photos with customers, their friends, and friend'sfriends.......

Sharing project photos with customers is easy with ELMS Advantage Online and ELMS Customer Portal. This provides and opportunity for your customers to have more face time with your remodeling company and assists in building customer relationships. The real value is when your customer takes that photo to their neighbor and says something like this "Look what Ajax Remodeling Company did with my old Kitchen!" Imagine if your customer did this with all their friends, their family members, and the rest of their neighbors. What would you pay for that type of advertising?


Monday, May 24, 2010

That's Not the User's Manual!

We spend a lot of time and money to create nice looking websites, marketing presentations, and powerful demonstrations.   We do this to portray our products and attract potential customers.  New customers are drawn by the full motion Flash videos, classic marketing  jargon, animated GIF(s), and the promise that we have the answer to solve all customer needs.   And for their commitment and monetary donations, software customers are rewarded with the dreaded User's Manual.

Usually a PDF file, produced by a technician,  the User Manual is being printed on office printers with the good intention of being read from cover to cover.   It never happens this way!

ELMS Software has created the ELMS Online Library to help users answer questions and find answers to important questions.   The ELMS Online Library is a composition of Videos and demos that show the products in action.  User's Guides typically do not show real world usage.  For example, a user may want to know how to analyze their company's marketing efforts.  A User's Guide may list the marketing report and what menus to click to display the report.  An online video is able to show how leads are entered into the system and where the marketing information is applied in addition to showing the user how do run the marketing report and what to look for on the report.  The ELMS Online Video Library also serves as a marketing tool for ELMS.  New functions and web pages are portrayed early in the marketing process and are already available on the back-end to assist the users.  This saves time and money, allowing us to put more effort into making our products better.

The ELMS Online Library is constantly evolving and will continue to grow.  Users, potential customers, and even competitors are free to view and comment.  Please send us your suggestions of what to include and we will make it happen.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Generate more revenue by increasing customer referrals.

ELMS Advantage Online in combination with ELMS Customer Portal is helping remodeling companies generate new revenue by increasing the number of customer referrals.  We are well aware that the best sales lead for a remodeling business originates with a customer referral.    Why are we not doing more to generate customer referrals.

ELMS Customer Portal allows your customers to share their project photos (i.e. before/after) with their friends, family & neighbors.    Shared photos are displayed along with your company information and link to your company website.  Your customers are sharing and referring your remodeling company with each person who views their photos.   Remodeling projects can be a large undertaking for your customers and they are excited to share their new kitchen, bathroom, or room addition with everyone.

ELMS Customer Portal allows customers to share photos and your company over Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and many other social mediums with a click of a button.

I have seen remodeling businesses driving around the neighborhoods where they currently have projects.  They place flyers on mailboxes in an effort increase visibility and generate new sales leads.    ELMS Software will empower your customers to promote their satisfaction and your remodeling business while increasing your company's visibility and generating more customer referrals.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Customer Portal, Social Media, & Your Customers

ELMS Advantage Online and ELMS Customer Portal now allows your customers to share their projects and YOUR REMODELING COMPANY with their friends and family via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and much, much, more.  ELMS Customer Portal gives your remodeling customers access to their project information and the ability to share their projects and your company's information with a click of a button.

Imagine pictures of your prize projects with your company information being passed to your customer's family and friends via Facebook or MySpace.   These are neighbors, friends, and family members who now have your business card and sample of your good work.

Want to find out more?    Contact us at
